It is important to understand what these factors are so they can be addressed by a certified driving instructor. As we age, there are many factors that may hinder our ability to operate a vehicle safely. Whether you are looking to refresh your driving skills or retain a driver’s license, our program teaches seniors the necessary required to operate a vehicle safely and effectively. Geriatric Care Managers (GCM's) are trained in how to manage issues around aging with seniors and their family members to achieve a positive outcome.Our senior driving school provides seniors the opportunity to continue driving and maintain their independence. Geriatric Care Managers: you may want a third-party senior care professional to assist you with addressing the issue of driving with your senior loved one. We share the humor of South Park with you from this television show's episode, called " Grey Dawn". If you are having difficulty addressing safe driving with your parents or grandparents or senior loved one, know that you are not the first to have this challenge.

Visit AARP's website to find a senior driver safety course near you. What to do if you think a Senior should not be driving: Caregiverlist's Safe Driving ChecklistĪARP Driver Safety Courses: as car features and driving laws change, this is an effective way to polish up on defensive driving techniques. DMV Website Senior Website Additional Information Accelerated Renewalnone OtherProvisionsAt age 70, mail renewal is prohibited no more than two sequential mail renewals are permitted, regardless of age.

Special RequirementsNo renewal by mail at age 70. Bioptic lenses are permitted for driving, but may not be used to meet 20/200 acuity standard. Vision TestsMinimum visual acuity is 20/200 (best corrected) in at least one eye, as verified by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.

Renewal Cycle5-year renewal cycle (may be mail-in for no more than 2 sequential cycles) TestsVision test and written knowledge test required.