Fixed an issue where the Movie Camera Crane would continue to animate even if set to Activate On Trigger.

Fixed an issue where the game camera could clip below the terrain.General improvements to text for scenery items in the Studios Pack.Fixed an issue where colour channels on the Brownstone Eave Corner Outer were not consistent with the rest of the set.Fixed an issue where the colours for triggerable flexicolour were in the wrong order.Fixed an issue where obtaining a third Hotel perk would rename other perks.Fixed an issue where the number of trains field was listed twice for some tracked rides.Fixed an issue where statistics were missing from Transport Rides.Improved localisation of items in the Studios Pack.Fixed an issue where moving the station for tracked rides would cause the cars to not disappear.Fixed an issue where Mechanics could get stuck in a loop of changing tasks.Improved the thoughts for Hotels cleanliness.Fixed an issue where some guests using hotels would leave needing the bathroom.